Town of Glen St. Mary 

Florida's Outstanding Rural Community of the Year-2004

September 25, 2018 - Special Meeting

The Town of Glen St. Mary held aspecial meeting on Tuesday,September 25, 2018 at 7:38 P.M. at the Town Hall with Council MembersDavis, Foster, Hodges, and Rhynehardt present. Mayor Juanice Padgett presided over the meeting. Council member Davis opened with prayer followed by the flag salute.


Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting. These are not verbatim transcripts. For a complete audio recording of the discussion please contact Donna Loadholtz at


Councilman Rhynehardt asked what the difference was on salaries. Council paused to look over the new calculations.  Mayor Padgett went over the payroll categories giving the previous and updated totals based on executive increasing by two and a half hours instead of the previous suggestion of five hours and maintenance employees both going to thirty hours.  Councilman Rhynehardt questioned Matt’s hours only increasing by five hours.  Councilman Foster stated he doesn’t feel they will work unsupervised.  Matt stated that they are still at sixty hours and they haven’t changed.  Council member Davis stated with the cooler weather coming, they can shift to other projects.  Attorney Bense stated that Matt had proposed thirty hours for himself and forty hours for the second maintenance employee, but Council had stated they couldn’t do that.  Both Matt and Councilman Rhynehardt replied they thought at the last meeting that both maintenance workers were going to thirty-five hours.  Matt told Council he feels both maintenance workers working twenty-five hours is not cutting it.  They have worked all summer.  He added that Charlie, the second maintenance worker has worked forty hours this past month.  Mayor Padgett said there was extra money in the budget from the summer employee budget we had not used so she gave Charlie more hours.  Mayor Padgett asked what we do at this point.  She told Council we need a budget going into the new fiscal year.  Attorney Bense told Council things were discussed, but advertised for the meeting.  He said that the Town could go ahead and vote on the current budget and amend the budget later.  Matt responded that he would give his pay raise back to have more hours to get the job done.  Councilman Foster asked what would make him happy.  Matt replied they need thirty-five hours.  Attorney Bense asked what about the summer employee.  Matt stated they wouldn’t need one.  Council member Hodges added that the summer employee won’t work out and this would negate the issue.  Council will put both maintenance employees at thirty-five hours to be working the same hours as a matter of safety so they aren’t using machinery and working alone.  Attorney Bense suggested amending the budget at the next meeting to adjust the maintenance hours to thirty-five each.  Councilman Foster stated he understands not having time to get things done at the end of the day.  Council will vote on current budget of thirty hours each and amend the budget to thirty-five hours each at next month’s regular meeting.  Mayor Padgett then told Council she thinks any communication should be made by e-mail so that it is documented.  Councilman Rhynehardt then questioned where Matt would e-mail from and if the Town had separate e-mail addresses or he was to use his personal e-mail.  He felt this would take even more time away from maintenance work getting done as he would need to send an e-mail, then wait for Mayor Padgett to get back to him.  She stated they have a To Do List.  They have a checklist they usually go over together.  Attorney Bense suggested the Town give Matt an e-mail for work purposes.  Councilman Foster suggested doing work orders instead adding it would be easier.  Mayor Padgett replied that sometimes papers aren’t put on each other’s desk.  Attorney Bense told Council there needs to be some kind of procedure put in place and that Matt needs a Town e-mail.  Matt replied that he is currently using his personal e-mail.  He told Council he would do more, but he just needs to know how to do it.  Councilman Foster suggested putting a work order in the computer and printing two copies


Policy Agenda Items:

    1. Vote to Adopt Following Budgets and Amended Budgets: (On File at Town Hall)

      1. 2018/2019 Proposed Budget – General Operating Fund – On a motion by Council member Davis, second by Council member Hodges, the Council voted to adopt the 2018/2019 Proposed General Operating Budget as presented. (Vote 4-1, Councilman Rhynehardt voted no)

      2. 2018/2019 Proposed Budget – Water/Sewer Utility Fund - On a motion by Council member Davis, second by Council member Hodges, the Council voted to adopt the 2018/2019 Proposed Water/Sewer Utility Fund Budget as presented. (Vote 5-0)

      3. 2018/2019 Proposed BudgetCapacity Fee Account - On a motion by Councilman Foster, second by Council member Davis, the Council voted to adopt the 2018/2019 Proposed Capacity Fee Budget as presented. (Vote 5-0)

      4. 2018/2019 Proposed Amended Budget – Impact Fee Account - On a motion by Councilman Foster, second by Council member Davis, the Council voted to adopt the 2018/2019 Proposed Impact Fee Budget as presented. (Vote 5-0)

      5. 2018/2019 Proposed CDBG/SJRWMD Budget - On a motion by Council member Davis, second by Council member Hodges, the Council voted to adopt the 2018/2019 Proposed CDBG/SJRWMD Budget as presented. (Vote 5-0)


        On a motion by Council member Davis, the special meeting was adjourned at 8:08 P.M.

This is the official site of the Town of Glen St. Mary, FL