Town of Glen St. Mary 

Florida's Outstanding Rural Community of the Year-2004

August 21, 2018

The Town of Glen St. Mary held the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall with Council MembersDavis, Foster, Hodges, and Rhynehardt present. Mayor Juanice Padgett presided over the meeting. Council member Davis opened with prayer followed by the flag salute.


Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting. These are not verbatim transcripts. For a complete audio recording of the discussion please contact Donna Loadholtz at


Minutes: Consideration:

  1. Approval of minutes of July 17, 2018 – Regular Monthly Meeting: On a motion by Council member Davis, second by Council member Hodges, the Board voted to approve theminutes as presented. (Vote 5-0)

    Policy Agenda Items:

    1. Code Enforcement Update – Mayor Padgett handed out a list to Council that had been prepared by code enforcement officer, Matt Torgerson. She told Council she had two of these items on her desk that she is viewing. She told Council to go around and look to see if they see any other violations that have not been listed. She told them to turn it in if they see something.

    2. Review Prior Month’s Expenditures (Check Register) –Council had no questions about the prior month’s expenditures.


      On a motion by Council member Davis, second by Council member Hodges, the Town meeting was adjourned at 7:11 P.M.

This is the official site of the Town of Glen St. Mary, FL