February 20, 2018
The Town of Glen St. Mary held the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall with Council MembersDavis, Foster, Hodges, and Rhynehardt present. Mayor Juanice Padgett presided over the meeting. Council Member Davis opened with prayer followed by the flag salute.
Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting. These are not verbatim transcripts. For a complete audio recording of the discussion please contact Donna Loadholtz at glenstmary3777@gmail.com.
Public Hearing:
Ordinance 2018-01 – Prohibiting Medical Marijuana Treatment Center Dispensing Facilities Within the Municipal Boundaries of the Town– Mayor Padgett asked Council member Hodges to read Ordinance 2018-01 by title. Mayor Padgett then asked if there was anyone present that had any questions or comments. No one had any comments so Mayor Padgett closed the public hearing and reopened the regular meeting.
Minutes: Consideration:
Approval of minutes of January 16, 2018 – Regular Monthly Meeting: On a motion by Councilman Rhynehardt, second by Council member Davis, the Board voted to approve theminutes as presented. (Vote 5-0)
Policy Agenda Items:
Vote to Approve First Reading of Ordinance 2018-01 – Prohibiting Medical Marijuana Treatment Center Dispensing Facilities Within the Municipal Boundaries of the Town – On a motion by Councilman Rhynehardt, second by Councilman Foster, the Board voted to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2018-01 as presented. (Vote 5-0)
Review Prior Month’s Expenditures (Check Register) – Mayor Padgett told Council Matt is out until March 8th. We put ads in the paper and got 4-5 applicants, but when we looked at them, we have found the same problem as the last few since Darwin retired. We don’t want to hire someone and not feel good about the person hired. Joel Padgett is working while Matt is out. He has gotten several things done since he has been here. Council had no other questions about the prior month’s expenditures.