March 19, 2013
The Town of Glen St. Mary held the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall with Council Members Davis, Foster, and Reneau present. Councilman Rhynehardt was not able to attend because he had recently been in a motorcycle accident. Mayor Juanice Padgett presided over the meeting and Council Member Davis opened the meeting with prayer followed by the flag salute.
Public Hearing:
A) Ordinance #2013-01 – Small Scale Amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan by Changing the Future Land Use Designation from Low Density Residential to General Commercial on Approximately 2.64 Acres of Land along US 90 between North Stoddard Ave. and North Lincoln Ave. – Mayor Padgett asked Attorney Foreman to read the Ordinance by title. Mrs. Lola Chandler residing at 7490 West Madison Street was present to ask about the small scale amendment. The definition of General Comercial was explained to allow any general business, but no industrial. Mrs. Chandler asked what the purpose for the change. Mayor Padgett told her the South half of the block would be rezoned from General Commercial to a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The property would maintain a General Commercial usage, not a mixed residential usage. The Planner suggested doing a PUD to allow a setback of ten feet rather than the twenty-five setback required under the regular General Commercial. The primary reason for the PUD is to get smaller setbacks, not for mixed multi-housing.
Mayor Padgett closed the public hearing and opened the regular monthly meeting.
Policy Agenda Items:
A) Vote to Approve First Reading of Ordinance #2013-01 - Small Scale Amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan by Changing the Future Land Use Designation from Low Density Residential to General Commercial on Approximately 2.64 Acres of Land along US 90 between North Stoddard Ave. and North Lincoln Ave. - On a motion by Councilman Foster, second by Councilman Reneau, the Board voted to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2013-01. (Vote 4-0)
B) Vote to Adopt Ordinance 2013-01 - Small Scale Amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan by Changing the Future Land Use Designation from Low Density Residential to General Commercial on Approximately 2.64 Acres of Land along US 90 between North Stoddard Ave. and North Lincoln Ave. - On a motion by Councilman Foster, second by Council Member Davis, the Board voted to adopt Ordinance 2013-01. (Vote 4-0)
Mayor Padgett closed the regular monthly meeting and re-opened the public hearing.
Public Hearing:
B) Ordinance #2013-02 - Rezoning Approx. 0.88 Acres on US 90 between North Stoddard Ave. and North Lincoln Ave. - Mayor Padgett asked Attorney Foreman to read the Ordinance by title. Attorney Foreman did so and found it to read COMMERCIAL GENERAL rather than General Commercial. This typographical error will be corrected before final adoption. Mayor Padgett told Council this Ordinance will require two readings and a site plan with next month’s reading.
Mayor Padgett closed the public hearing and re-opened the regular monthly meeting.
C) Vote to Approve First Reading of Ordinance #2013-02 - Rezoning Approx. 0.88 Acres on US 90 between North Stoddard Ave. and North Lincoln Ave. - On a motion by Council Member Davis, second by Councilman Reneau, the Board voted to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2013-02. (Vote 4-0)
Minutes: Consideration – Approval of minutes of February 19, 2013 – Regular Monthly Meeting: On a motion by Councilman Reneau, second by Councilman Foster, the Board voted to approve the minutes as presented. (Vote 4-0)
D) Vote to Allow Mayor to Continue Contract with Department of Transportation Relating to Highway 90 Maintenance. The contract will be $7,500.00 Annually. (See Attached) - On a motion by Council Member Davis, second by Councilman Reneau, the Board voted to allow the Mayor to continue the contract with the Department of Transportation relating to Highway 90 maintenance. (Vote 4-0)
E) Vote to Adopt Resolution #2013-01- Authorizing the Town of Glen St. Mary to Execute and Enter into an Agreement for Maintenance with the State of Florida Department of Transportation for July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. (See Attached) - On a motion by Councilman Foster, second by Council Member Davis, the Board voted to adopt Resolution #2013-01. (Vote 4-0)
F) Vote to Allow Mayor to Continue Contract for Lighting, Maintenance, and Compensation with Department of Transportation for July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. The contract will be $4,831.20 Annually. (See Attached) - On a motion by Councilman Reneau, second by Councilman Foster, the Board voted to allow the Mayor to continue the contract for lighting, maintenance, and compensation with the Department of Transportation. (Vote 4-0)
G) Vote to Adopt Resolution #2013-02- Authorizing the Town of Glen St. Mary to Execute and Enter into an Agreement for Lighting, Maintenance, and Compensation with the State of Florida Department of Transportation for July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. (See Attached) - On a motion by Council Member Davis, second by Councilman Reneau, the Board voted to adopt Resolution #2013-02. (Vote 4-0)
H) Update on ATM – Mayor Padgett told Council she has signed the Letter of Intent. She is now waiting on Vystar to come out and locate the desire site for the ATM. The ATM will be forty-three feet from the center of the road. Councilman Foster would like to see us use local contractors to do the required work.
I) Report on Chlorine Levels – Mayor Padgett told Council she has a gentleman that has been taking classes since October to be water certified. In his classes, the Center for Disease Control allows rates of .5 – 4.0. The day after last month’s meeting, the plant reading was 1.75. Anything above a 2.0 you can start smelling the chlorine. Mayor Padgett had a chart showing the readings that were taken at the homes that were in question last month. Kyle Reneau residing at 10232 North Glen Avenue was present at the meeting. Kyle told Council when they take a bath and get in, the water is burning them. Mayor Padgett responded by saying that old galvanized pipe can effect the chlorine levels. Kyle said he can only tell of his experience. Councilman Foster stated that he knew as summer is longer and hotter, the water system will require more chlorine. In two other homes, the water was tested in spare bathrooms where the water is not used often, and the levels were higher, but still below 2.0. Mayor Padgett asked Councilman Foster, whose primary business is plumbing, what else the Town could do. Councilman Foster addressed Kyle’s hot water heater, saying that the smell could be from the rod in the top of the water heater. He said once chlorine has gotten into it, it will eat the rod up. He suggested replacing the rod in the top of the water heater. He added as the rust builds up, it will give a chlorine to egg smell at some point. He agreed the Town can only stay within the allowable limits. The water sample should be taken from the closest fixture to the water meter.
A problem was found when the water was being hooked up at 10181 North Glen Avenue today. Questions were raised as to whether the Town has the right to charge for our employees’ time. We are looking to see if the problem is under the road. The project is still within the warranty period, so we are contacting the contractor about the problem. Mayor Padgett will look at the Town’s options.
J) Review Prior Month’s Expenditures (Check Register) – Council had no questions about the prior month’s expenditures.
On a motion by Councilman Davis the Town meeting was adjourned at 7:35 P.M.