November 17, 2015
The Town of Glen St. Mary held the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall with Council Member Davis, Councilman Foster, Council Member Hodges, and Councilman Rhynehardt present. Mayor Juanice Padgett presided over the meeting. Council Member Davis opened with prayer followed by the flag salute.
Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting. These are not verbatim transcripts. For a complete audio recording of the discussion please contact Donna Loadholtz at
Minutes: Consideration – Approval of minutes of October 20, 2015 – Regular Monthly Meeting and October 20, 2015 – Workshop: On a motion by Councilman Rhynehardt, second by CouncilMember Davis, the Board voted to approve both sets of minutes as presented. (Vote 5-0)
Policy Agenda Items:
Vote to Adopt Attached 2016 Holiday Schedule - On a motion by Councilman Rhynehardt, second by Council Member Hodges, the Board voted to adopt the 2016 holiday schedule as presented. (Vote 5-0)
Appoint a Community Advisory Task Force. See Attached Committee Requirements and Mayor’s Recommendations for this Committee. – Mayor Padgett told Council Mr. Ronald Vanzant from Jordan & Associates was present to explain more about the CDBG requirements. He explained that the Town could receive more points if it had a task force assembled and held the required meetings. Mayor Padgett listed eight residents from the Town that have agreed to serve on the task force. Mrs. Peggy Driggers owns a local business and would serve as a non-voting member. Mr. Vanzant told Council if there are eight on the committee, at least five will have to show up to meet the quorum requirements. On a motion by Councilman Rhynehardt, second by Council Member Davis, the Board voted to appoint a Community Advisory Task Force as recommended by the Mayor. (Vote 5-0)
Council has Received a Letter from Foreman, McInnis Pertaining to Sanitary and Public Nuisances. Questions or Comments from Council or Public. – Town Attorney Jon Bense began by saying he is getting Ordinances from surrounding areas to see how they deal with such problems. The Department of Health is usually the one to handle environmental health issues. This would be considered a sanitary nuisance in that if the department of health does not find an issue on the day they come out, then it falls back on the Town. In old case law, to handle it yourself, it must affect everyone. The accumulation of flies is affecting surrounding residents. Attorney Bense stated he needs to look at the Town’s current Ordinances. This may not be a disease-causing problem, but we need to let the Department of Health work on the problem. There are regulations for waste control that make it a crime to dump on the side of the road. Council member Amanda Hodges stated the dumpster holds carcasses in it for several days at a time before being emptied. Councilman Foster stated that he has done several funeral homes and they have grinder systems that drain into the septic system. He thinks there should be something set up. A dumpster is not the right thing. He added that most funeral homes use a grease trap type of setup. Since the business has Town sewer, a couple thousand would take care of the problem. Council then questioned if the building had been inspected for such a type of business to be run there. It was the Town’s understanding it was only going to be a storefront, not the actual act of taxidermy processing. Councilman Rhynehardt was not aware of this ever coming before the Council. Mayor Padgett told Council she would have to look it up. Veterinarians are regulated in how they are to dispose of diseased and hazardous waste, though this is different than a taxidermy shop. Council member Amanda Hodges told Council there are bits and pieces of meat left in the yard. She spoke with the entomology department at the University of Florida and was told that there has to be constant rotting flesh to cause such numbers of blow flies. Mr. Claudell Rhoden added that for a fly to hatch, it has to lay eggs in flesh, though he does not know the timeframe. Mayor Padgett asked if the Town wrote an ordinance, could code enforcement write them up and start the documentation process. Include in the ordinance to state any waste generated by business that would create an odor. Though the business has been there for several years, there were several vacant properties around the business so no one was there to complain. If the Town establishes an ordinance, the Department of Health would get involved if the Town complains or three residents complain. Councilman Foster stated he would like to go by and talk to him. Mayor Padgett had no problems with that, but would still like to start an Ordinance. Council member Amanda Hodges stated that he has been approached, but they did not get anywhere with it, that he is unapproachable. Mr. Claudell Rhoden stated the taxidermy business has not renewed his occupational license this year. He spoke with the tax collector’s office earlier today. He showed a receipt from two years ago with no sales tax being charged. He added that he grew up with the business owner’s family, but that he is not able to talk to this guy. Mr. Rhoden stated residents a block away can smell this odor. He referenced Council to a taxidermy business owner he knows in Jacksonville. He skins it all out so he can dispose of it the same day. Fly larvae has to have time to hatch and it was unbearable recently for his grandkids first birthday party next to the taxidermy business here in Glen St. Mary. Councilman Foster stated they should have a floor sink and catch basin so that only certain things can go into the catch system. Councilman Rhynehardt stated to deal with the flies will be hard. Mayor Padgett stated we will work on a proposed Ordinance for the next meeting.
Public Comments on any Subject not on the Agenda. – No one had any comments.
Review Prior Month’s Expenditures (Check Register) – Council had no questions about the prior month’s expenditures.