Town of Glen St. Mary 

Florida's Outstanding Rural Community of the Year-2004

February 17, 2015

The Town of Glen St. Mary held the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall with Council Members Davis, Foster, Rhynehardt, and Reneau present.  Mayor Juanice Padgett presided over the meeting and Council Member Davis opened the meeting with prayer followed by the flag salute.


Minutes:  Consideration – Approval of minutes of January 20, 2015 – Regular Monthly Meeting:  On a motion byCouncil Member Davis, second by Councilman Foster, the Board voted to approve theminutes as presented.  Mayor Padgett asked Council if anyone had any questions or comments on the item.  Council did not have any questions or comments.  (Vote 5-0)


Policy Agenda Items:

    1. Discussion on Required Ethics Training for Council Members (Attachment) – Mayor Padgett told Council this is a new State requirement. She asked Attorney Bense to further explain. Attorney Bense stated the Florida Statutes were amended. Beginning January 1st this is now a requirement. He felt the League of Cities would be a good opportunity for Council to be able to satisfy this requirement and is being offered for free. Attorney Bense also said this class can be done by a local attorney, but stated that he isn’t an educator. This course must be completed by the end of the calendar year to avoid stringent penalties that are listed within the Florida Statute, but the structure of the penalties would be put to the individual municipalities. Mayor Padgett called Mr. Phil Rhoden’s secretary when she got the e-mail. They are trying to set up a webinar, which would be a matter of going over and sitting through the class.

    2. Discussion/Questions on Prior Month’s Zoning Vote - Mayor Padgett asked Council if anyone had any questions or comments on the prior month’s zoning vote. Council had no questions or comments.

    3. Review Prior Month’s Expenditures (Check Register) – Council had no questions about the prior month’s expenditures.


      Ms. Barbara Yarborough from the Council on Aging wanted to address the Council, they were not on the agenda. She came to ask the Town to support their organization again. She told Council their organization services four residents of Glen St. Mary. She told Council she looked at the Town’s budget online and saw where the Town is expecting a $10,000 surplus this year. Mayor Padgett replied that the Town’s budget does show a surplus, but the Town is getting ready to do some paving. Mayor Padgett added she is open for the next budget time of July through September when we will be working on the budgets again. Ms. Barbara addressed the Council again saying up until the past three years the Town had supported their organization and any support would be appreciated. It is projected that the new facility will be open by July 2015. They are hopeful the new facility will allow for a new meal site. The transportation center will be utilized to take people to Gainesville, Lake City, etc. Mayor Padgett stated her mother had used some of the services offered before she passed away. Councilman Foster added that his mother had loved the services before she passed away as well. Mr. Lambright added that these services are not just for the disabled elderly, but for anyone over the age of 60. The meals they deliver out into the community offers social interaction for those at home.   Mr. Lambright clarified the Transportation center will only be for transportation. It will not have social services or meals at that location. Mayor Padgett thanked them for coming.

      On a motion by Council Member Davis, second by Councilman Reneau, the Town meeting was adjourned at 7:19 P.M.

This is the official site of the Town of Glen St. Mary, FL