Town of Glen St. Mary 

Florida's Outstanding Rural Community of the Year-2004

August 20, 2020

The Town of Glen St. Mary held the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday,
August 20, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall with Council MembersMcCullough, Reneau and Rhynehardt present.  Mayor Amanda Hodges presided over the meeting.  Council Member Reneau opened with prayer followed by the flag salute.


Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting.  These are not verbatim transcripts.  For a complete audio recording of the discussion please contact Donna Loadholtz at


Minutes:  Consideration:

A)    July 21, 2020 – Regular Monthly Meeting - On a motion by Councilman Rhynehardt, second by CouncilMember Reneau, the Board voted to approve theminutes as presented. (Vote 4-0)


Policy Agenda Items:

A)    Vote on New Council Member and Swear In – Mayor Hodges told Council Mr. Freddie Oca had sent in his resume.  All Council members were in agreement for Mr. Oca to join the Council.  Attorney Bense swore Mr. Oca in and had him take his seat with the other Council members. 

B)    Political Signs – Streamline to match the Baker County and City of Macclenny Sign Ordinances – Mayor Hodges suggested the Town alter its ordinance for political signs to match the City of Macclenny and Baker County.  She stated the Town’s allows political signs to be put out 90 days before elections, which is a lot longer than our neighbors in the County and the City of Macclenny.  She thinks it poses a lot of confusion when it is allowed here but not there.  Changing an ordinance will require two public hearings.  Council had no objections and agreed to put it on the agenda for next month.

C)    Review of Prior Month’s Expenditures (Check Register) – Ms. Juancie Padgett asked about the Communications Services Tax.  Clerk Loadholtz stated she will look into it.   Council had no questions about the July expenditures.  On a motion by Councilman Rhynehardt, second by Council Member Reneau, the Board voted to accept the prior month’s expenditures. (Vote 5-0)


Council Member Reneau asked if we had any applicants come in for the Clerk position.  Mayor Hodges responded we had five applicants and has been very pleased with the level of qualifications.  She said we were concerned that the shorter days may hinder the interest of applicants.  Council Member Reneau asked if the Council will help with the hiring or if it would be up to the Mayor.  Mayor Hodges was unsure since the assistant clerk would work under the Town clerk so she asked the advice of Attorney Bense.  He believes it should be done by the Council.  Council will be holding a budget workshop on September 3rd, but the assistant clerk could not be voted upon in a workshop.  The applicants could be discussed during the budget workshop since the Council hasn’t been able to discuss them as a group yet and vote on them at the regular meeting in September.  Council member McCullough asked if they would be reviewing the resumes at the budget workshop and not do actual interviews as the Mayor has already done preliminary interviews.  Attorney Bense replied that the workshop is within the Sunshine law, it just doesn’t permit the vote.  He doesn’t feel the Council is wrong to do the interviews there, we just have to allow public input at the regular meeting before they vote.  Council member McCullough responded that the workshop is public and everyone may not be comfortable in that forum, assuming there would be public people here.  She stated that is not something you would do for any other job.  Attorney Bense responded this is a different kind of job.  Ms. Padgett told Council the County hires its managers this way.  Attorney Bense added that they would be performing some of the Clerk’s duties so he feels it should be out in the open.  Mayor Hodges then asked if she needed to have all of the applicants come back or just the top two or three.  Attorney Bense said it would be up to her, if there were any that were not qualified, she can omit them.


Council member McCullough asked whatever came of the truck situation.  Council member Rhynehardt responded that we have put it on the back burner.  Mayor Hodge added we are trying to finalize the budget and didn’t want to spend a chunk of money right now.  Maintenance has been able to do their work with just the one truck.


Council member Reneau asked about the park fence that had ben discussed previously.  Mayor Hodges told Council that maintenance has been able to do some repairs.  They are planning to work on it along the way.  She is hoping to speak with the grant coordinator to see if there are any grant funds available.


A budget workshop is scheduled for September 3, 2020 at 6:00 PM.  Mayor Hodges asked that everyone try to be here to discuss the budgets.  Attorney Bense requested to participate by phone if he is needed.  He stated he does not usually participate in the budget discussions. 


On a motion by Council member Reneau, second by Council member McCullough the Town meeting was adjourned at 7:39 P.M.

This is the official site of the Town of Glen St. Mary, FL