January 21, 2020
The Town of Glen St. Mary held the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday,
January 21, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall with Council MembersHodges, Reneau, and Rhynehardt present. Mayor Dickie Foster presided over the meeting. Council MemberReneau opened with prayer followed by the flag salute.
Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting. These are not verbatim transcripts. For a complete audio recording of the discussion please contact Donna Loadholtz at glenstmary3777@glenstmary.org.
Minutes: Consideration:
A) Approval of minutes ofDecember 17, 2019 – Community Advisory Task Force Workshop – On a motion by Councilmember Hodges, second by Councilman Rhynehardt, the Board voted to approve theworkshop minutes as presented. (Vote 4-0)
B) Approval of minutes ofDecember 17, 2019 – Regular Monthly Meeting -On a motion by Councilmember Hodges, second by Councilman Rhynehardt, the Board voted to approve theminutes as presented. (Vote 4-0)
Policy Agenda Items:
A) Letter of Resignation from Mrs. Tommie Sue Davis on January 7, 2020 effective immediately. Council will need to Vote how they want to Proceed to Fill the Vacant Council Seat. – Attorney Bense told Council the charter allows for a special election or to fill it by applications being submitted. Council felt no need to have a special election. Council wants an ad to be put in the paper to advertise the vacant seat.
B) Maintenance Worker/Water Plant Operator Matt Torgerson told Mayor Foster on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 that he wants to Partially Resign. He would like to stay on as Water Plant Operator and Mosquito Sprayer only. He doesn’t want to continue doing any maintenance work. – Mayor Foster briefed Council on the situation. Matt Torgerson was present and told Council the work takes about 2 ½ to 3 hours a week to just do the water plant testing. He will come in and do the monthly water testing and annual tests as needed as well as be responsible for keeping his license up to date. Mayor Foster told Council he has tried to reach the City of Macclenny but hasn’t been able to reach them. Councilman Rhynehardt stated he thinks that is a lot of money. Mayor Foster added it has been rumored the other maintenance worker is looking at leaving as well. Council member Reneau felt we need to keep him. Mayor Foster stated Matt has a handyman business he does on the side. Council member Hodges suggested a trial period to see if this works out, then re-evaluate. Mayor Foster suggested a six-month trial period. Councilman Rhynehardt asked how we would keep up with Matt’s hours. Council asked about the mosquito license, which Matt responded that he can have up to ten people work under his license. He does not intend to be the one spraying. Councilman Rhynehardt suggested drawing up a contract and have everyone agree on the terms. It can be re-evaluated in June. Attorney Bense suggested holding a workshop to execute the contract. He also suggested having a Resolution to execute the contract. On a motion made by Councilman Rhynehardt, second by Council member Reneau, the Board voted to adopt a resolution to enter into a contract with maintenance worker Matt Torgerson. (Vote 4-0) Mayor Foster stated Richard Harris hasn’t responded and he hasn’t heard back from Mr. Higginbotham. It was stated that Mr. Terry Florio from the City of Macclenny has a mosquito license.
C) Review Prior Month’s Expenditures (Check Register) – Council had no questions about the prior month’s expenditures. On a motion by Councilman Rhynehardt, second by Council member Hodges, the Board voted to approve the prior month’s expenditures as presented. (Vote 4-0)
Mr. Roger Harvey was present to address the Council and to clear his name. He stated that at last month’s meeting Mayor Foster told Council that he said to have his son locked up. He did not say that. They then discussed that the chickens came from behind his house and he had told Mayor Foster to go talk to his son personally, which he did not and instead spoke to his girlfriend. He continued to say that Mayor Foster came to Roger’s house prior to all of this and Roger did not want to get into politics. Mayor Foster responded that the chickens weren’t supposed to be there to start with. He added the property was sold to Roger three years after the ordinance had been adopted. He told Roger he had made several attempts to speak with his son, but that he wasn’t going to chase hm down. Roger then stated that Mayor Foster had told him to just move the chickens away from the neighbor’s property. Councilman Rhynehardt addressed the issue that the chickens should not be there period. Mr. Harvey replied he was not there to argue, but to clarify that he did not say to lock his son up. He added the health department came out and looked at the property and found no flies or stink. He told Council his son is of age and that he can not control what he does. Council member Hodges stated the neighbors have been having these issues for over a year and the Council has to follow the laws. Councilman Rhynehardt stated he doesn’t think it is going to fix it to just move the chickens. Mr. Harvey then addressed the matter that he never said they were fighting chickens. Councilman Rhynehardt told Council that unless spurs are found, you couldn’t prove they are fighting chickens regardless if they are. Mr. Harvey told Council the chickens have been cut back. Council member Hodges asked if both father and son’s names are on the property, which Roger co-signed for his son. She asked Roger if he understood that no chickens can be there. Mr. Roger Harvey stated he is just clearing up his name. Council member Hodges responded that he will be on record as such.
Council member Reneau asked if anyone has called CSX about the railroad crossing. Mayor Foster told her that CSX sold to Atlantic Coast Railroad between Pensacola and Jacksonville. He has talked to our representative Mr. Chuck Brannon and the issue bounces back and forth between the railroad company and the road department.
Councilman Rhynehardt asked what has been decided on the fencing in the park. Mayor Foster replied he wants to fix it during the winter months. He added we have to see what we have to work with.
Council member Hodges suggested checking with other Commissioners to try to get help with the railroad at County Road 125.
On a motion by Council member Hodges, second by Council member Reneau the Town meeting was adjourned at 7:54 P.M.