Amending, Revising and Replacing the Comprehensive Plan of Glen St. Mary, FL.
2023-02Amending, Revising and Replacing the Comprehensive Plan of Glen St. Mary, FL.
2023-01Establishes Requirements and Restrictions on Use of Sewer System and Discharge of Wastewater Amending Ord 2021-01 to Include a Grease Management Plan. (Penalties for Violations).
2022-02Rezoning parcel 362S2100510390050 from MDR to General Commercial.
2022-01Rezoning parcel 362S21005100320070 from MDR to General Commercial.
2021-02Establishing requirements for cross-connection, backflow and back siphonage control.
2021-01Restrictions on use of sewer system and Discharge of waste water.
2020-01**Election signs.
2019-01FP&L Franchise
2018-03Code Enforcement providing for Special Magistrate.
2018-02Rezoning Block 33, Lots 5, 6 and 8 from Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential.
2018-01Prohibiting Medical Marijuana Treatment Center Dispensing Facilities with the Municipal Boundaries.
2017-02Rezoning the Southwest acre of Parcel #36-2S-21-0051-0011-0010 from Medium Density Residential to General Commercial
2017-01Temporary Moratorium on Cannabis Dispensing Businesses
2016-01Public Nuisance, Nuisances Injurious to the Public Health, Sanitary Nuisances, Biological Waste and Noxious Odors.
2015-02Rezoning approximately 3.0 acres located at Block 11, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 and part of Lots 5 and 6 AND Block 14, and part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (RE #36-2S-21-0051-0011-0010).
2015-01 (Failed to Pass)Rezoning Block 51, Lots 3 and 4 from Medium Density Residential to General Industrial (Failed to Pass - lacked majority vote).
2013-03Amending Water and Sewer Rate Ordinance 2007-01 to add Tap Fees.
2013-02Rezoning approximately 0.88 acres on US Hwy 90 between N. Stoddard Ave. and N. Lincoln Ave.
2013-01Small Scale Amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan by Changing the Future Land Use Designation from Low Density Residential to General Commercial on approximately 2.64 acres of Land along US HWY 90 between N. Stoddard Ave. and N. Lincoln Ave.
2012-01Amending Parking Zoning from 1 space per 200 Sq. Ft. to 1 space per 300 Sq. Ft.
2011-01Moratorium on the Assessment of Impact Fees.
2009-03Moratorium on the Assessment of Impact Fees.
2009-02Parking in Residential Areas (Amended Ordinance 2008-03).
2009-01Providing for Definition of a Fixed Asset of the Town, for Recording and Accounting of the Town's Fixed Assets, for the Safeguarding of those Fixed Assets, and for an Effective Date.
2008-05Public Schools Facilities Element.
2008-04Code Enforcement
2008-03Parking in residential areas
2008-02Rezoning Block 30, Lot 8 from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential.
2008-01Rezoning approximately 4.2 acres east of Blocks 71 and 72.
2007-04Annexation of property west of Wildcat Drive.
2007-03Rezoning Blocks 59, 60, 61, 62, 71, and 72 from LDR to GC.
2007-02Impact Fee Ordinance.
2007-01Amending Water and Sewer Rate Ordinance 2005-02.
2005-07Rezoning approximately 123.5 acres as described herein from low density residential to Planned Unit Development as described in the written description and Master Plan for the Proposed Greystone development. Request Withdrawn.
2005-06Amending the Future Land Use Map. Request Withdrawn
2005-05Providing for the Annexations of Certain Lands Contiguous to the Town. Request Withdrawn
2005-04Amending Land Development Code.
2005-03Rezoning Blk 3, Lots 1, 3-12 from LDR and Lot 2 from MDR to General Commercial.
2005-02Amending Ordinance 2004-03 to Increase Sewer User Fee for New Residential and Businesses to $1750.00
2005-01Rezoning Blk 3 Lots 1, 3-12 from LDR and Lot 2 from MDR to General Industrial (Zoning request Amended, See Ord 2005-03)
2004-03Water and Sewer Rate Ordinance.
2004-02Rezoning Blk 50, Lots 11 & 12 from Educational, Public Building, and Grounds to General Commercial.
2004-01Levying and Imposing a 5% Tax on all Purchases of Electricity, Water Service, Metered or Bottled Gas.
2003-05Rezoning Blks 44 and 53 to Education, Public Buildings, Etc. for Congregational Holiness Church.
2003-04Rezoning Blks 44, 53 and 54 to Education, Public Buildings, Etc. for Congregational Holiness Church - Repealed by Ordinance 2003-05.
2003-03Amending Land Development Code Including Part VI - Envision Glen Overlay District.
2003-02Amending Land Development Code Including Part V - Landscaping and Tree Protection.
2001-01Regulating Time, Manner and Method of Conducting Elections.
2000-01Providing an Alternate Method of Code Enforcement.
1999-04Providing for Minimum Subdivision Requirements.
1999-03Regulating the Placement of Signs.
1999-02Providing for Minimum Housing Requirements.
1999-01Amending Zoning Ordinance (91-8) - Article II Establishment of Districts Section 2.22 Medium Density Residential District.
1998-02Relating to Litter, Illegal Dumping, Accumulation of Junk or Unserviceable Vehicles on Public and Private Property.
1998-01Closing Orange Ave between Mount Vernon St. and Railroad.
1997-02Abolishing all Alley Ways which are 10 feet (Note: only Alleyways in Blk 3 & 10 Closed under Ord 96-01).
1997-01Amending Town Zoning Ordinance (91-8) to Establish Special Provisions for Mobile Home Parks.
1996-02Annexing Blk 79, Lots 3 - 12 and Blk 80 into Town.
1996-01Abolishing Alleys running North and South through Blk 3 and Blk 10.
1995-01Granting a Nonexclusive Franchise to Continental Cablevision.
1993-03Rezoning Blk 32, Lots 8, 9 and 10 to General Commercial.
1992-01ARenewing a Franchise to the Northeast Florida Telephone Company.
1991-09Adopting Standards and Regulations for Building Construction by Adopting Standard Codes.
1991-07Regulating the Placement of Signs.
1991-06Provide for the Protection of Potable Water Wells.
1991-05Establishing Wetlands and Surface Water Protection - Master Storm Water Drainage Plan.
1991-04Providing for Minimum Subdivision Requirements.
1991-03Establishing Controls for Traffic Circulation.
1990-02Providing for a Declaration of City Policy to Prohibit Discrimination in Housing on the Basis of Race, Color, Ancestry, National Origin, Religion, Sex, Marital Status, Familial Status, Handicap or Age.
1982-03Relating to Animals and Fowl.
1982-02Relating to Animals and Fowl - Repealing Ord 1969-01.
1979-04Prohibiting Lot Owners or Occupants in the Town from Permitting the Accumulation of Garbage, Rubbish, Dangerous Trees and Growth on said Lots.
1979-02Adopting the Town Comprehensive Plan - Future Land Use Element.
1979-01Adopting the Town Comprehensive Plan Pursuant to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1975.
1978/79-00Adopting a Budget for the Town for FY 78/79.
1977/78-01Adopting a Budget for the Town for FY 77/78.
1976/77-02Relating to the Beverage Laws of the Town, Defining the Term "Alcoholic Beverages;" Setting the Hours of Sale.
1976/77-01Adopting a Budget for the Town for FY 76/77.
1975/76-01Adopting a Budget for the Town for FY 75/76.
1969-02Relating to Dogs, Regulating the keeping of the same within the Corporate limits of the Town.
1969-01Relating to Animals and Fowl, Prohibiting the keeping of certain Animals and Fowl within Town Limits, Providing a Penalty for the Violations off its terms.
1968-01Imposing an Excise or Privilege Tax on the Sale, Receipt, Purchase, Possession, Consumption, Handling, Distribution and use of Cigarettes, Prescribing the amount; Repealing Ordinances in Conflict.
1960-01Granting FPL, its Successors and Assigns, An Electric Franchise, and Imposing Provisions and Conditions Relating Thereto.
1959-01Taxation - Cigarettes