Town of Glen St. Mary 

Florida's Outstanding Rural Community of the Year-2004

February 19, 2019

The Town of Glen St. Mary held the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday,
February 15, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall with Council MembersDavis, Foster, Hodges, and Rhynehardt present.  Mayor Juanice Padgett presided over the meeting.  Council Member Davis opened with prayer followed by the flag salute.


Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting.  These are not verbatim transcripts.  For a complete audio recording of the discussion please contact Donna Loadholtz at


Minutes:  Consideration:

A)    Approval of minutes of January 15, 2019 – Regular Monthly Meeting:  On a motion by Councilman Foster, second by Council Member Hodges, the Board voted to approve theminutes as presented. (Vote 5-0)


Policy Agenda Items:

A)    Vote on Parking Lot Use and License Agreement between the Town of Glen St. Mary and Road to Calvary, Inc. - The Church Wants to Use Part of the Town Owned Land East of the Church for Parking – Mayor Padgett told Council the church will maintain the property and have insurance.  Mr. Larry Payne spoke up saying he felt this would set a precedence.  Councilman Foster stated he needed to recuse himself from any vote in this matter as he is a member of the church.  Attorney Bense suggested he fill out a Conflict of Interest form.  He went on to say he drew up the contract for a two year term and it will automatically renew annually unless terminated by either party at any time.  Councilman Rhynehardt asked if they were putting anything down and Mayor Padgett replied they were just clearing some.  She added she would not be signing the agreement until proof of insurance is brought in to cover $500,000.  Mayor Padgett asked if anyone had any problems with the church installing slag.  Attorney Bense told Council that anything placed there would become property of the Town and the Town could require the church to restore the property back as it was found.  On a motion by Council Member Davis, second by Council Member Hodges, the Board voted to approve the agreement between the Town of Glen St, Mary and Road to Calvary, Inc. (Vote 4-0, Foster recused from voting)

B)    Election Information –Discussion – Mayor Padgett told Council she wants to come back to this item.

C)    Vote on Agreement for Code Enforcement Magistrate Services Provided by Jeremy T. Primosch. – Attorney Bense explained that the magistrate would act as a judge.  Mr. Larry Payne asked if the Town has a process laid out.  Attorney Bense responded an ordinance has been set and the compensation has been set within this agreement for $150 per hour with a two hour minimum.  Mr. Payne then asked what the magistrate will have in hand to tell him what he is supposed to do.  The Town has Land Development Regulations and other ordinances for nuisances.  Ms. Roxanne Rothfeldt then told Council of some issues she has been having with a neighboring property.  Attorney Bense was only able to tell her that her issues are civil and she would have to contact the Sheriff’s office or file through the court.  On a motion made by Council Member Hodges, second by Council Member Davis, the Board voted to approve the agreement for code enforcement magistrate services provided by Jeremy T. Primosch. (Vote 5-0) 

Mr. Payne felt the Town needs guidelines to give the magistrate.  Council agreed Matt has been doing a good job, but residents give sob stories and timelines get extended.  Mr. Payne felt the Town should already have a way to process these violations.  The Town’s position is that the County did away with the Code Board and we didn’t have a magistrate.  Councilman Foster stated not everyone can live in a $100,000 home and that 80% of the Town is on a fixed income.  Mr. Payne stated there is a delicate balance.  Regardless of one’s income, residents still have to live up to community standards.  Somehow the Town has to develop that.  The “Envision Glen” was that the Town wanted to be a small town between Lake City and Jacksonville to be a bedroom community, but we aren’t there.  Council member Hodges stated that it is hard for someone that works in the office.  She suggested to look outside to pay someone to do code enforcement.  She felt there is a fine balance, it can be very insulting to be told your place isn’t up to standards.  Mayor Padgett set a workshop to be held at 6:00 PM on March 19th, before the next Town meeting.

B)    Election Information –Discussion – Mayor Padgett passed out a sheet stating the dates political signs can be put out in the Town limits of Glen St. Mary.  The next election is September 10, 2019.  If there were a runoff, it would be September 24, 2019.  Applicants can pre-qualify June 17,2019 and regular qualification is the first week of July, 2019.  Mayor Padgett told Council there have been many questions asked about resigning and running for Mayor.  Attorney Bense told Council Florida has a resign to run law, Statute 99.012, which requires you to resign to run for another position.  Council members not up for re-election must file a letter of resignation ten days prior to qualification.  They can remain in their seat up until taking office.  The Mayor holds Seat 5 and Councilman Foster holds Seat 4, both of which are open for this year’s election.  Council must have three votes to approve any matter.  Per the Florida Elections Code, the Town ordinances come first.  Town Ordinance 2001-01, Section 9 addresses elections.  Councilman Foster does not have to resign because he is up for election.  Seats 1, 2, or 3 are not up for election, so if any of those seats choose to run, their current seat would only be for a two year term to finish out the current term.   Mayor Padgett stated this has happened three times since she has been here.  It was advertised in the Press.  Mr. Payne suggested setting qualifications to try to get people on the Council that are willing to go to Tallahassee and meet with people that can get assistance with getting grants, etc.  He added there are other avenues including the Chamber of Commerce, the City of Macclenny, etc.  Attorney Bense told Council if any Council member resigns, they would not need to appoint someone until sixty days, if they resigned immediately.


Mayor Padgett told Council the sewer project is coming along with the connections at the main sewer lines.  There are some lines that still need to be inspected with the camera.  We still have one property that hasn’t responded about the capacity fee. 



D)    Review Prior Month’s Expenditures (Check Register) – Council had no other questions about the prior month’s expenditures.


On a motion by Council member Davis, second by Council member Hodges, the Town meeting was adjourned at 7:51 P.M.


This is the official site of the Town of Glen St. Mary, FL