Town of Glen St. Mary 

Florida's Outstanding Rural Community of the Year-2004

February 16, 2016

The Town of Glen St. Mary held the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall with Council MembersDavis, Foster, and Hodges present. Councilman Rhynehardt was out due to having heart surgery the previous week. Mayor Juanice Padgett presided over the meeting. Council Member Davis opened with prayer followed by the flag salute.


Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting. These are not verbatim transcripts. For a complete audio recording of the discussion please contact Donna Loadholtz at


Public Hearing:

  1. Ordinance 2016-01 - Public Nuisance, Nuisances Injurious to the Public Health, Sanitary Nuisances, Biological Waste and Noxious Odors – Mayor Padgett asked Attorney Bense to read Ordinance 2016-01 by title. Mayor Padgett then asked if there was anyone present that had any questions or comments. No one had any comments.

  2. First Public Hearing as a Requirement for a CDBG Application for FFY2015 – Mr. Ronald Vanzant of Jordan & Associates was present to present the first public hearing for the CDBG application for the 2015 funding cycle. He told all present that the purpose of the public hearing is to advise the public of the Town’s intent to apply for a CDBG Grant. He added that the process has guidelines that must be followed. The public must be made aware of the four categories of funding and seek public’s comments to determine the category they want the Town to apply under. The categories are Neighborhood Revitalization which would address septic tanks, Housing Rehabilitation which provides benefits to owner-occupied units including repairing or building a new home, Commercial Revitalization that is required to be provided in a downtown district where the building facades can be refinished or get rid of eyesores, Economic Development is similar to the neighborhood revitalization but for commercial property where the improvement would increase jobs by $35,000. The property would need to be locally owner and you could use the money to put in new roads, sewer, and add new utilities. The state has set aside money for each of the four categories as follows: 5.6 million for Housing Rehabilitation, 1.4 million for Commercial Revitalization, and 8.5 million for Neighborhood Revitalization, and 6.8 million for Economic Development. The Town of Glen can apply for up to $600,000 in CDBG funds. Mayor Padgett closed the public hearing and reopened the regular meeting.


    Minutes: Consideration:

  1. Approval of minutes of January 19, 2016 – Regular Monthly Meeting: On a motion by Councilman Foster, second by Council member Davis, the Board voted to approve theminutes as presented. (Vote 4-0)

    Policy Agenda Items:

    1. Vote to Approve Second Reading of Ordinance 2016-01 – Public Nuisance, Nuisances Injurious to the Public Health, Sanitary Nuisances, Biological Waste and Noxious Odors. On a motion byCouncil member Hodges, second byCouncil member Davis, the Board voted to approve the second reading of Ordinance 2016-01 as presented. (Vote 4-0)

    2. Vote to Adopt Ordinance 2016-01 – Public Nuisance, Nuisances Injurious to the Public Health, Sanitary Nuisances, Biological Waste and Noxious Odors – On a motion by Councilman Foster, second by Council member Hodges, the Board voted to adopt Ordinance 2016-01 as presented. (Vote 4-0)

    3. Jordan & Associates – A Fair Housing Workshop (Also a Requirement of the CDBG Application Process) – Mr. Ronald Vanzant of Jordan & Associates was present to present the Fair Housing Workshop. He handed out and explained a packet covering the Fair Housing Act. Town Attorney and Council had some concerns with the Town’s building codes compared to legal standpoint of the Fair Housing Act. The example given of allowing a tent as affordable housing within the Town under the Fair Housing Act is in direct violation of the Town and County building codes in regards to wind zone requirements.

    4. Vote to Apply for CDBG Application for FFY2015 – Council agreed the Town needed to apply for the Neighborhood Revitalization category of the Community Development Block Grant. On a motion by Council member Hodges, second by Council member Davis, the Board voted to apply for a CDBG grant for the 2015 funding cycle. (Vote 4-0)

    5. Vote to Adopt Resolution 2016-01 – Local Mitigation Strategy – Mayor Padgett told Council this Resolution is made up a local committee of County authorities to work together in emergencies. The County was in a time crunch to maintain funding, so she omitted Town Council wording and sent in to the County, but is not duly adopted until Council is on board. A motion was made by Councilman Foster, second by Council member Davis, to approve Mayor Padgett’s actions. (Vote 3-0) On a motion by Councilman Foster, second by Council member Davis, the Board voted to adopt Resolution 2016-01 as presented. (Vote 4-0)

    6. Sewer Expansion – Discuss and Vote Prioritization of the Areas of Sewer Expansion – Mr. Tim Norman of Mittauer & Associates was present to discuss the costs of installing sewer lines on the North side of Town. He presented Council with a large map showing key areas and color coded the West side yellow and the East side green. He told Council if the Town was awarded a CDBG grant, the Town would be looking at having $515,000 to use for extending sewer services. The other $85,000 would be used to pay the grant coordinator and onsite engineering during construction. Mr. Norman told Council they need to decide which direction they would like to go. He also told them in order to maximize the Town’s score, the Town could do something at the water plant that would give a benefit to the whole town. When installing gravity sewer, you must start at the pump station and work back from there. He told Council these are not real numbers, but estimates until contractors came back with prices. Several Council members asked if the residents would lose trees when this project takes place. Mr. Norman replied they had already thought of that and it makes more sense to do directional drilling to minimize a lot of loss of buildings and trees. The pipes will be over twelve feet deep at the lift stations. They are trying to keep costs as low as possible. Easements will be within the setbacks of the Town’s Land Development Regulations. Readiness to Proceed is about 90% done. The next step is to get the surveys completed. Council needs to prioritize between $30,000 and $50,000 to spend at the water plant. He suggested alternate pumps to make the system equipment last longer. The surveys will be done for the whole town. Council asked which side has the most residents. Mr. Norman replied there are twenty-nine on the East side and thirty-six on the West side, but we do not know how many of each are low to moderate income. Council had no questions.

    7. Review Prior Month’s Expenditures (Check Register) – Council had no questions about the prior month’s expenditures.


      Council member Hodges asked where the Town was on hiring a code enforcement officer. Mayor Padgett told Council Mary Stafford got another job, so we will have to wait and see who is hired for the County.

      Mayor Padgett handed Council a notice from the League of Cities offering two locations to take the required Ethics Training course. She reminded them that they are required to attend an Ethics training class each year. The new financial disclosure will have an oath section they will be required to say if you went. This form may be audited.

      Council member Davis motioned for the Town meeting to adjourn at 7:40 P.M.

This is the official site of the Town of Glen St. Mary, FL