Town of Glen St. Mary 

Florida's Outstanding Rural Community of the Year-2004

May 15, 2012

The Town of Glen St. Mary held the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 7:05 P.M. at the Town Hall with Council Members Davis, Foster, Reneau, and Rhynehardt present.  Mayor Juanice Padgett presided over the meeting.  Council Member Tommie Sue Davis opened the meeting with prayer followed by the flag salute.

Minutes:  Consideration – Approval of minutes of April 17, 2012 – Regular Monthly Meeting:   On a motion by Councilman Rhynehardt, second by Councilman Reneau, the Board voted to approve the minutes as presented. (Vote 5-0) 

Policy Agenda Items:

A)    Vote to Allow Mayor to Continue Contract with Department of Transportation Relating to Highway 90 Maintenance.  The contract will be $7,500.00 Annually. - On a motion by Councilman Davis, second by Councilman Reneau, the Board voted to allow the Mayor to continue with the contract with the Department of Transportation relating to Highway 90 maintenance. (Vote 5-0)

B)    Vote to Adopt Resolution #2012-01- Authorizing the Town of Glen St. Mary to Execute and Enter into an Agreement for Maintenance with the State of Florida Department of Transportation for July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. (See Attached) - On a motion by Councilman Davis, second by Councilman Reneau, the Board voted to adopt Resolution #2012-01 – authorizing the Town of Glen St. Mary to execute and enter into an agreement for maintenance with the State of Florida Department of Transportation from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. (Vote 5-0)

C)     Vote to Approve “Agreement to Provide Utility Easement” (See Attached) – Attorney Foreman suggested going over the agreement before taking a vote.  Last month Council approved the Utility Easement form, but had questions as to properties with a tree or any other structure lying within the intended easement area.  This agreement gives the Town the ability to check off residents that are willing to give an easement, but need it to be located around a tree or structure.  Attorney Foreman told Council the second page wordage was brought in from the Easement document and the Town will not be moving permanent structures.  The Town would have to work with the property owner to locate some other place for an easement to be given.  Item #1 states “no tree or building” this would only apply after it has been determined where the easement can go.  This agreement is only for property owners that have something in the easement area that is in question.  This is to help us to see where easements can be secured.  Councilman Foster stated he would probably give an easement on the side and rear of his business in order to go around the neighboring bank property.  Attorney Foreman responded that some will have to give easements on parts other than the rear of their property.  Another thing to be considered is whether or not the structures on properties are being treated as improvements.  This may also be a factor in determining whether or not to move them.  Attorney Foreman told Council we are really trying to identify the hard “no’s”.  He asked Council if they wanted to go eminent domain or see if there is another way to go with the sewer lines.  On a motion by Councilman Foster, second by Councilman Reneau, the Board voted to approve the “Agreement to Provide Utility Easement” form. (Vote 5-0)

D)    Vote to Give the Mayor the Authority to Negotiate for “Agreement to Provide Utility Easement” forms. - On a motion by Councilman Davis, second by Councilman Reneau, the Board voted to give the Mayor the authority to negotiate for “Agreement to Provide Utility Easement” forms. (Vote 5-0)

E)     Update on CDBG Grant. –

1)      Report on Homes/Businesses Still Needing to Hook up – Mayor Padgett told Council she received a letter yesterday stating the Warranty Period would run through April 12, 2013.  The project area is to be periodically inspected for problems.  She added there are nine homes, two sets of duplexes, and three commercial properties that have not hooked up yet. When the south side of Town was hooked up, the residents had six months to hook up without paying additional fees to the Town.  They were required to pay an additional $500 if hooked up between six months and a year of the project completion.  Anyone not hooked up after the year, would be required to pay $1,000 to connect to the Town’s water system.  We are going to use the same timeframe for this project.

2)      Annexation – Attorney Foreman told Council the Annexation letters have been sent out.  He is anticipating a voluntary annexation.

3)       Raised Road at Washington Street – Mayor Padgett told Council she met with Randy Swindell at the corner of Washington and North Glen Avenue to check on the roadway issue.  Where the road was previously raised, it now has a dip in the road.  Mayor Padgett spoke with the Engineer and was told there are dots around the area where the contractor did the directional bore, which is under warranty for one year.  Mayor Padgett had maintenance paint a circle around the area that has dipped down and monitoring it to see if the directional bore may have hit the storm drain.

4)      ISO Rating – The County is rated as a 7 and 9.  The local insurance agent has a program that is able to tell how far the residence is from a fire station are within 5 miles of a station and the property is within 1 mile of a hydrant, you are rated a 7, if not you are rated a 9.

F)     Report on Easements – Mayor Padgett handed out a color-coded map showing the current progress of retaining easements for the Town.  Mayor Padgett explained the pink colored areas that already have sewer.  The gravity flow stops in the middle of Block 38, so in order to add Blocks 47 and 50 to the sewer lines we would need to extend the gravity flow along Highway 90.  Councilman Rhynehardt owns Lots 3 through 10 of Block 13.  He showed concerns of the placement of structures on his property.  Councilman Foster suggested the Town could run the lines along the roadway between Blocks 12 and 13 since the road is undeveloped.  The Town could also run between Blocks 23 and 26 and also between Blocks 24 and 25.  The Town should be basing the scenario for blocks that have all parcels owned by different individuals.   We are looking at cost savings and ways to afford running sewer lines without a grant.

G)    Report from Code Enforcement Officer. – Code Enforcement Officer, Donna Loadholtz told Council she has spoken with the property owner in regards to the two campers on her property.  She has removed one and she owns the remaining camper.

H)    Review Prior Month’s Expenditures (Check Register). – Council had no questions about the prior month’s expenditures.

On a motion by Councilman Foster, second by Council Member Rhynehardt, the Town meeting was adjourned at 7:38 P.M.

This is the official site of the Town of Glen St. Mary, FL