April 17, 2012
The Town of Glen St. Mary held the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 7:10 P.M. at the Town Hall with Council Members Davis, Foster, Reneau, and Rhynehardt present. Mayor Juanice Padgett presided over the meeting. Council Member Tommie Sue Davis opened the meeting with prayer followed by the flag salute.
Minutes: Consideration – Approval of minutes of March 20, 2012 – Regular Monthly Meeting: On a motion by Councilman Reneau, second by Councilman Foster, the Board voted to approve the minutes as presented. (Vote 5-0)
Policy Agenda Items:
A) Update on CDBG Grant. - Mayor Padgett told Council there have been about fifty homes hooked. There are about ten homes that need to pay their security deposits and hook up. There are two duplexes, two sewer connections, and three commercial businesses to be hooked up. Mayor Padgett feels the Town is real close to closing out the grant. Tallahassee has issues with several private wells in Town. We are working with them to update their records. The contractor owes the Town a backflow and blow off valve. The electrical needs to be finished as well as install concrete collars and replace four meters. Councilman Reneau brought up a possible problem at Washington and North Glen Avenue. He told Council he believes the line came up while the contractors were jack and bore drilling at that location and has caused a lump in the roadway. Mayor Padgett will look into the issue. Councilman Reneau also asked about the ditch on Clinton not flowing. Mayor Padgett responded the Town will be responsible for cleaning the ditch out.
B) Report from Code Enforcement Officer. – Code Enforcement Officer, Donna Loadholtz told Council she has one property she is going to be sending letters on soon. She received a complaint about two campers on a property and it is believed they have been hard-wired into the power pole on the property.
C) Review Prior Month’s Expenditures (Check Register). – Council had no questions about the prior month’s expenditures.
Attorney Foreman instructed Mayor Padgett she needed to amend the Agenda to make a motion to discuss and approve the “Utility Easement to the Town of Glen St. Mary, Florida”. On a motion by Council Member Davis, second by Councilman Reneau, the Board voted to discuss and approve the “Utility Easement to the Town of Glen St. Mary, Florida”. The Town previously owned the alleyways. The Town is going to try to recover the easements, not the title of the land.
The terms are broad to give access to get in and out. It restricts buildings from being placed on the easement. Exhibit A is structured by Lots and Blocks. Council asked the ten feet to be changed to five feet. Councilman Reneau asked about existing trees within the alleyway. Rhynehardt added that some people have buildings within this area. Attorney Foreman responded in both instances, those people would not sign those forms. We would have to write a description in to accommodate these problems. Attorney Foreman told Council this is a simple easement form that will not work on all properties. An Agreement for Easement could be used on the more complex properties. Town property, undeveloped property, and properties that already have sewer will not need easements, but the rest will need easements. Attorney Foreman suggested leaving the ten foot wordage to make sure there was enough room, but Mayor Padgett still only wants a five foot easement at the rear of each property as the original alleyways. Attorney Foreman told Council if the Town still has problems getting the easements, we could file for Eminent Domain.
Council asked if the easements could be restricted to sewer only. Attorney Foreman told Council that because it would be public record, we can’t have it both ways. We are trying to get as much back as efficiently as possible, so leave the language alone. On a motion by Council Member Davis, second by Councilman Foster, the Board voted to approve the “Utility Easement to the Town of Glen St. Mary, Florida” with the change to the five feet on each side.
A motion was then needed to give the Mayor the authority to negotiate for easements. On a motion by Council Member Davis, second by Councilman Rhynehardt, the Board voted to give the Mayor the authority to negotiate for easements.
Mayor Padgett told Council of Public Servant’s Day at First Baptist Church in Macclenny on April 29th. All Town Employees are invited to attend.
Mayor Padgett asked Attorney Foreman about the progress of annexation. Attorney Foreman is having trouble with his e-mails and will get the paperwork to us.
Mayor Padgett informed Council the paychecks were wrong last month. The deductions have been doubled up this month to correct it. We will check them next month to get this corrected.
Councilman Rhynehardt asked who changes the fire rating now that there are fire hydrants. Mayor Padgett said she believes Richard Dolan is over that, but she would check on it.
On a motion by Councilman Rhynehardt, second by Council Member Foster, the Town meeting was adjourned at 7:54 P.M.