February 1, 2012 - Special Meeting
The Town of Glen St. Mary held a Special Town Council meeting on Wednesday, February 1, 2012, at 6:00 P.M. at the Town Hall with Council Members Davis, Foster, Reneau, and Rhynehardt present. Mayor Juanice Padgett presided over the meeting.
Mayor Padgett told Council members it was mentioned at the last workshop the Town needs to look at sewer and paving projects. Since the workshop Mr. Freddie Bennett recommended Mayor Padgett to check the prices of paving projects while paving is being done on Taber Boulevard. Mayor Padgett and maintenance employees looked at the roadways around Town. Mayor Padgett then got with the paver to get a figure. She told Council the Town can get the needed paving done for $11,400. According to Attorney Foreman, the Town can piggy back off the County price, eliminating the need to get bids. Mayor Padgett told Council if they did not choose to go ahead with the paving tonight, the Town would not turn around and get bids to do the road repairs. She stressed this is a one shot opportunity.
Mayor Padgett gave a brief overview of the Town’s revenues, including: the water/sewer revenue for the South end of Town is approximately $5,500 net income per month. The North end of Town should not add much expense, but will be increasing income revenue. General Operating is balancing out right now. We currently have $165,000 in CD’s which is approximately one year of budget. A conservative figure will leave about $33,000 reserves.
Councilman Rhynehardt asked what they would be paving. Mayor Padgett responded they would not be paving, but resurfacing. Mayor Padgett told Council Clinton Avenue from Madison Street North is full of potholes. There is a ten foot section where the road was cut out near Mr. Henry Mobley’s house on Sherman Avenue. There are several potholes around Town. Maintenance has been cold patching the holes. Mayor Padgett got a price of $11,400. After this figure was calculated, someone mentioned the road by the post office. Councilman Reneau advised Council paving the road next to the post office would be a waste. After a brief discussion about this road, Council agreed it was not prepared to be resurfaced at this time. Councilman Rhynehardt asked about the roadway where the big oak tree is messing the roadway up. Mayor Padgett responded nothing would be done until the Town gets rid of the tree. Mayor Padgett told Council if they had any questions, Councilman Reneau would be able to answer them. He is familiar with paving. Councilman Rhynehardt asked if this is just a band-aid to the roadway problems. Councilman Reneau told Council the paving company will cut out the potholes and fill them in and overlay also. This is the same procedure being done in Jacksonville. He also told Council the price is very good.
Councilman Rhynehardt asked about the Washington Street loop. Councilman Reneau responded by saying that loop would have to be engineered in order to be paved. Council agreed all the other roads would be in good shape.
Mayor Padgett asked each Council member what they thought. Councilman Foster responded the Town should do the paving project. Councilman Reneau agreed the Town should do the paving now. Council member Davis agrees it is a good deal. Councilman Rhynehardt said he would go with the group. He added if it needs to be done, we need to get it done now.
On a motion by Council member Davis, second by Councilman Reneau, Council voted to allow the Mayor to sign the contract to have the roadwork done for $11,400.
On a motion by Councilman Reneau, the special Town Council meeting was adjourned at 6:22 P.M.