September 5, 2017 - Special Meeting
The Town of Glen St. Mary held a Special Town Council meeting on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, at 6:00 P.M. at the Town Hall with Council Members Davis, Foster, and Rhynehardt present. Council member Hodges was not in attendance. Mayor Juanice Padgett presided over the meeting.
Mayor Padgett told Council members that the offer for just compensation at fair market value is required by law but they must be voted on by Council before we can issue the checks to the property owners. She had a spreadsheet sectioned off by block to show each property owner, but separated herself and the other two Council members below the other property owners to lessen any confusion of the votes they were making.
Policy Agenda Items:
Motion to acknowledge and issue payment to Residents for the received Written Offer of Just Compensation at Fair Market Value for the Easement form for the Sewer Lines (Directional Boring). This offer of compensation is a requirement with the CDBG grant. This Item includes all Easement Grantors except The Mayor and Two Council Members. - On a motion by Council member Davis, seconded by Councilman Foster, Council approved the payments to be made to property owners for just compensation at fair market value for the easements needed to complete the CDBG grant. (Vote 4-0)
Motion to acknowledge and issue payment to Eddie and Council Member Tommie Sue Davis for the received Written Offer of Just Compensation at Fair Market Value for the Easement form for the Sewer Lines (Directional Boring). This offer of compensation is a requirement with the CDBG grant. - On a motion by Councilman Rhynehardt, seconded by Councilman Foster, Council approved the payment to be made to Eddie and Council member Tommie Sue Davis for just compensation at fair market value for the easement needed to complete the CDBG grant. Council member Davis abstained from the vote and filed a “Form 8B Memorandum of Voting Conflict for County, Municipal, and other local public officers”. (Vote 3-0)
Motion to acknowledge and issue payment to Councilman Dickie and Debbie Foster for the received Written Offer of Just Compensation at Fair Market Value for the Easement form for the Sewer Lines (Directional Boring). This offer of compensation is a requirement with the CDBG grant. - On a motion by Councilman Rhynehardt, seconded by Council member Davis, Council approved the payments to be made to Councilman Dickie and Debbie Foster for just compensation at fair market value for the easements needed to complete the CDBG grant. Councilman Foster abstained from the vote and filed a “Form 8B Memorandum of Voting Conflict for County, Municipal, and other local public officers”. (Vote 3-0)
Motion to acknowledge and issue payment to Mayor Juanice Padgett, E. L. Padgett, RoAnn Padgett and JoAnn Padgett Johns for the received Written Offer of Just Compensation at Fair Market Value for the Easement form for the Sewer Lines (Directional Boring). This offer of compensation is a requirement with the CDBG grant. - On a motion by Councilman Rhynehardt, seconded by Councilman Foster, Council approved the payment to be made to Mayor Juanice Padgett, E. L. Padgett, RoAnn Padgett and JoAnn Padgett Johns for just compensation at fair market value for the easement needed to complete the CDBG grant. Mayor Padgett abstained from the vote and filed a “Form 8B Memorandum of Voting Conflict for County, Municipal, and other local public officers”. (Vote 3-0)
On a motion by Council member Davis, the special Town Council meeting was adjourned at 6:05 P.M.